ecoDa EU Alert – Week 14

EcoDan viikkokirje: Rajatylittäviä yhtiömuodon muutoksia sekä yritysten sulautumisia ja jakautumisia koskevan direktiivin muutoksista on sovittu.

In this issue, we highlight the following topics:

  1. The 23rd European Corporate Governance Conference
  2. EC : Directive for Cross-border Conversions, Mergers and Divisions
  3. EP: Taxonomy
  4. EC : ScaleUps
  5. US: New proposed regulation – The Reward Work Act
  6. UK: IBE Response to the FRC consultation on proposed revision to the Stewardship Code
  7. EFRAG: Fostering Innovation on Corporate Reporting
  8. ESMA: Seeks candidates for its stakeholders group
  9. ecoDa’s News

Click here for ecoDa EU Alert – Week 14