ecoDa EU Alert – Week 19

ecoDan viikkokirjeessä muun muassa ecoDan lausunto SHDR:n täytäntöönpanosäädöksistä sekä asiaa GDPR:stä ja arvonlisäverotuksesta.

In this issue, we highlight the following topics:

  1. ecoDa: Comment Letter on the Consultation on an Implementing Regulation of the Shareholders’ Rights Directive
  2. Position Papers on the Public Consultation on the SME Definition
  3. The General Data Protection Regulation
  4. European Investment Bank: €750 Million Extra Funding for European SMEs
  5. European Parliament: Draft Reports on VAT Proposal Directives
  6. INSEAD: Interesting Article on Ryanair as a Role Model for Europe’s Banks
  7. ecoDa’s News

Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 19