ecoDa EU Alert – Week 23

Euroopan komissio on uudistanut kestävän kehityksen strategiansa. EcoDan uutiskirjeessä tietoa myös Euroopan unionin ja jäsenmaiden taloudellisista toimista koronapandemian vaikutusten kukistamiseksi, OECD:n kansallisesta corporate governance -kyselystä sekä hallitusjäsenille suunnatuista ecoDa-webinaareista.

In this issue, we highlight the following topics:

1. EU Commission updates on the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy and Green Recovery
2. The European Commission consults stakeholders on a possible new competition tool
3. OECD: A survey on national corporate governance related initiatives during the Covid 19 crisis
4. ESMA: guidance on the compliance function under MIFID II
5. EBA’s roadmap for the implementation of the new regulatory framework for investment firms
6. EBA: Guidelines on reporting and disclosure of exposures subject to measures applied in response to the Covid-19 crisis
7. INSEAD: IDP 29 new think tank
8. GNDI Policy Committee – updates
9. ICGN: Viewpoint on Executive Remuneration in light of Covid-19
10. ICGN: The Evolving Social Contract & Covid-19: Webinar Series
11. ecoDa’s past webinars on the impacts of Covid-19 crisis on board members
12. ecoDa’s news

Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 23.