ecoDa EU Alert – Week 25

EU:n ja eri maiden corporate goverance -käytännöt sekä verotus- ja sääntelyasiat ovat vahvasti pinnalla ecoDan uutiskirjeessä. Lisäksi palataan edellisviikon 25. EU corporate governance -konferenssin tunnelmiin, missä ecoDaa edustivat Leena Linnainmaa ja Abigail Levrau.

In this issue, we highlight the following topics:

1. EC: The Taxonomy Regulation and the Platform on Sustainable Finance
2. EC: new and future consultations to come on sustainable finance and corporate governance
3. EC: A White Paper on foreign subsidies in the single market
4. EP: Human Rights Due Diligence Legislation – Options for the EU
5. The European Parliament sets up Tax subcommittee
6. New Zealand: The Institute of Directors launches a not-for-profit governance hub
7. Accountancy Europe’s publications to shape the Non-Financial Reporting debate
8. B Lab’s response to the revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
9. Future of the Corporation Purpose Summit
10. IFAC and the Institute of Internal Auditors’ virtual global audit committee roundtable
11. The British Institute of Directors will launch its Centre for Corporate Governance
12. ecoDa’s news

Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 25.