ecoDa EU Alert – Week 27

Eri alojen rahoitusasiat hallitsevat ecoDan viikkokirjettä, jonka kärjeksi nostetaan kollektiivista kuluttajansuojaa koskeva direktiiviaihio. Tarjolla on tietoa muun muassa myös kestävästä kehityksestä sekä biodiversiteettitavoitteista.

In this issue, we highlight the following topics:

1. Draft Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers
2. EC Consultation on the review of the Solvency II Directive
3. European Commission: 2nd Summer School on Sustainable Finance
4. ecoDa, BusinessEurope and EuropeanIssuers exchanging opinions on the current topical CG issues
5. Responses to the European Commission consultation on the Digital Finance Strategy
6. The Swiss Parliament finally agree on the Responsible Business Initiative
7. Position paper of the European Parliament EESC Employers Groups in the key role of business in the recovery phase
8. Natural Capital Finance Alliance: report on Biodiversity Targets and Finance
9. Global Cyber Alliance: 8-week program around email security
10. ecoDa’s news

Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 27.