ecoDa EU Alert – Weeks 9–10

EcoDan viikkokirjeessä tarkastellaan muun muassa lohkoketjua ja hyviä due diligence -käytäntöjä toimitusketjun varrella. Lisäksi Euroopan komissio on julkistanut tasa-arvostrategiansa seuraavalle viidelle vuodelle.

In this issue, we highlight the following topics:

1. EC: Study on Due Diligence through the Supply Chain
2. EC: 2020-2025 Gender Equality Strategy
3. EC: Anti-Money Laundering
4. EC: Study on Blockchains
5. Blackrock: Europe’s listed companies: their governance, shareholders and votes cast
6. Accountants take action against climate change
7. 24th EU CG Conference: Summary and videos available
8. The SMART Project: Videos of their past conference
9. Articles
10. ICGC: Leadership in Risk Management: European Survey 2020
11. ecoDa’s News

Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Weeks 9–10