Chief Legal Officer, Head of Group Legal, Board Secretary, Deputy Managing Director
Keskeinen työkokemus
- Nordea Bank Oyj, Chief Legal Officer, Head of Group Legal, Secretary of the Board (2018 – )
- Nokia Group, various roles in Finland, Singapore and India, including Vice President, Nokia Board Secretary and General Counsel, Mobile Networks (2004 – 2018)
- Roschier Attorneys Ltd, various roles (1997 – 2004)
Keskeiset luottamustoimet
- Directors’ Institute Finland, Policy-valiokunnan jäsen (2019 –)
Keskeiset aikaisemmat luottamustoimet
- Keskuskauppakamari, hallituksen jäsen (2020 – 2023)
- Dottli Oy, hallituksen puheenjohtaja (2013 – 2017)