EcoDan viikkokirjeessä yhteenveto Euroopan tilinpäätösraportoinnin neuvoa-antavan ryhmän EFRAG:in konferenssista, jossa keskusteltiin raportointi-innovaatioista.
In this issue, we highlight the following topics:
- EFRAG Conference on Fostering Innovation in Corporate Reporting
- ACCA Roundtable Discussion/Internalizing environmental externalities: the contribution of corporate reporting of natural capital to sustainable finance and the circular economy
- Malta IoD 60th Anniversary: Reshaping Malta’s boards
- Better Finance- EU Elections: Are politicians willing to help citizens to improve the long-term value of their savings?
- SMART: Call for papers
- European Roundtable of Industrialists: Strategic Paper
- EY: Five ways to enhance board oversight of culture
- The 24th European CG Conference
- ecoDa News
Click here for ecoDa EU Alert – Week 20