Koronakriisi ja kevään yhtiökokousten järjestäminen vahvasti esillä ecoDan viikkokirjeessä.
In this issue, we highlight the following topics:
1. Cicero/AMO: Comparative tracker of EU and Global Covid-19 measures
2. France and Switzerland: New rules for holding a general meeting
3. Germany: Deutsches Aktieninstitut requesting an emergency parliamentary act
4. UK: a guidance on AGMs during this period of crisis
5. Nedcommunity: Impacts on companies and their risk management: first thoughts on the role of the independent directors
6. IFA: Webinar on the implications of Covid-19 on AGMs’ season and board meetings
7. NACD: Resource Center: Responding to the Covid-19 Crisis
8. ICGN: Covid-19 a Viewpoint for Investors and Corporations
9. Boston Consulting Firm: Sustaining Business in All Scenarios
10. ecoDa’s Provisions on Covid-19
Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 12