EU:n koronakriisitoimissa korostuvat muun muassa talouden, rahoituksen ja kilpailukyvyn ylläpitäminen. EcoDan uutiskirjeessä asiaa myös väärinkäytösten ehkäisystä, hallinnointikoodista ja teollisuuden strategiasta.
In this issue, we highlight the following topics:
1. COVID-19: EU Actions
2. Competition and COVID-19 in the EU
3. European Commission: action plan to prevent and fight against money laundering and terrorist financing
4. European Parliament: study on the role of SMEs in Europe’s long-term industrial strategy
5. ESMA consults on SME Growth Markets
6. BICG Webinar: Challenges for the boards of directors worldwide from the COVID-19 crisis
7. The Alliance for Corporate Transparency: research on the sustainability-related disclosures made by 1000 European companies
8. ESMA’s opinion on the new ESG disclosure requirements
9. GNDI: A Resources Hub on Corporate Governance
10. EuropeanIssuers: Position Paper on Directors’ Duties and Sustainable Corporate Governance
11. ecoDa’s news
Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 18 & 19