EcoDa ja PwC järjestävät 20 maaliskuuta konferenssin kestävästä kehityksestä.

Long-term sustainability: Can Corporate Governance bring magic solutions?
20 March 2018 – Brussels
12.30 – 17.00
An ecoDa/PwC Joint conference
The importance of stimulating shareholder engagement towards more of sustainability and long-termism, is a priority of the EU.
However in corporate governance models with widely dispersed shareholders, such an ambition will only have a chance of being realised if a set of complementary conditions are further developed. This conference, jointly organized by ecoDa and PwC, will examine the type of incentives that are created by the legal/fiduciary duties of both directors and investors.
Panellists will address different questions:
- How should boards balance – or trade-off – different interests?
- How could shareholders be convinced to also allow stakeholder interests to be taken into consideration?
The King IV report on corporate governance, internationally recognized as innovative, will be a point of departure for the discussion.
In addition, the conference will question whether the new framework for sustainability, advocated by the EU, is compatible with the need to stimulate governance practices that are tailor made for corporate innovation. The panellists will discuss how more attention for entrepreneurship can be paid.
The panelists will include people from the European Commission, the OECD, and board members.
Programme: here
The conference is free of charge.