Tiedotteessaan 3.3.2022 ecoDa kehottaa eurooppalaisia hallitusten jäseniä arvioimaan uudelleen asemansa venäläisten ja valkovenäläisten yritysten hallituksissa Ukrainan sodan valossa. ”Perusarvomme vapaus, demokratia ja itsemääräämisoikeus ovat uhattuina, mikä edellyttää meitä kaikkia toimimaan yhteisvoimin”, tiedotteessa todetaan. EcoDa on Euroopan hallitustyötä tekevien henkilöiden yhdistysten kattojärjestö, jonka jäsen myös Directors’ Institute Finland (DIF) on.
”Luotamme siihen, että eurooppalaiset hallitusten jäsenet ovat tilanteen tasalla ja kyseenalaistavat luottamustehtävänsä venäläisissä ja valkovenäläisissä yrityksissä. Hallitusten jäsenten tulisi tuntea moraalinen velvollisuutensa vaalia eurooppalaisia vapauden ja demokratian perusarvoja. Tietysti jokainen hallituksen jäsen tekee päätöksen omalla kohdallaan huomioiden kunkin yrityksen tilanteen”, kommentoi ecoDan hallituksen puheenjohtaja, DIFin pääsihteeri Leena Linnainmaa tiedotteessa.
DIF yhtyy ecoDan viestiin ja ilmaisee tukensa Ukrainalle ja sen kansalle.
Englanninkielinen tiedote alla:
Call to action: Board members should question their mandates in Russian and Belarusian companies
The Russian and Belarusian military invasion of Ukraine is not only an attack on a democratic, European nation, but also an attack on all our European democratic societies. Our core principles of freedom, democracy and self-determination are at risk, and requires us all to act in solidarity.
ecoDa is therefore calling on all European board members (of European nationality) to question their mandates in Russian and Belarusian companies. European board members should also reconsider their investment strategies as well as the operational processes in Russia and Belarus and in doing so to check back with investors and owners in respect of such strategic moves. Businesses cannot be conducted as usual when the war in Ukraine violates international rules.
« We are confident that European board members will rise to the occasion and question their mandates in Russian and Belarusian companies. Board members should feel a stronger moral duty to uphold the fundamental European values of freedom and democracy. Of course, it must be up to the individual director to decide, taking into consideration the situation of each company », summarizes Leena Linnainmaa, ecoDa’s Chair.
Many European companies have already chosen to align their strategies with the unanimously agreed sanctions taken by the European and other European countries. ecoDa welcomes the strong signal given by those major companies who are adapting their strategic and operational model for the benefit of the common good.
« In this exceptional context of war, board members must demonstrate responsibility – just as they have done during the Covid crisis. However, the stakes today are of a completely different dimension – and have profound implications for the sustainability of peace, democracy and economy in Europe » underlined Michel de Fabiani, Chair of ecoDa’s Advocacy and Policy Committee.
ecoDa stand behind Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in full solidarity.
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