Euroopan instituutioissa valmistellaan tiiviisti kestävän rahoituksen pakettia ja ecoDa on julkaissut uuden listaamattomien yritysten ohjeistuksen. Asiaa myös eettisestä investoinnista ja luvassa useita tapahtumia.
European Institutions
-EC: Sustainable Finance Package;
-Platform on Sustainable Finance;
-EP: Dialogue with Commissioner Reynders;
-EP: Pay Transparency Directive;
European Developments
-ecoDa’s CG Guidance and Principles for Unlisted Companies in Europe;
International Developments
-IFC Guidance: Disclosure and transparency in crisis;
-Article: Rise of machine learning requires a ”stakeholder approach” from boards;
National Developments
-UK: Restoring trust in audit and CG – Key proposals;
-ILA Report on ”Meeting the digital challenges”;
-Norway ramps up commitment to ethical investments;
-Germany: expands probe into EY’s audits of Wirecard;
-EC: A New Compass for SMEs;
-Joint EC/ECB Conference;
-The ICGN Governance of Sustainability Dialogue;
ecoDa’s News
Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 16.