Kestävän hallinnoinnin, raportoinnin ja rahoituksen edistäminen jatkuvat tiiviisti EU:ssa. Tietoa myös, miten institutionaaliset sijoittajat voivat kiihdyttää vihreää siirtymää.

European Institutions Developments
-EC: The Sustainable CG initiative delayed;
-EP: Public hearing on Sustainable Finance;
-EP: Environmental liability rules revamped;
-EFRAG: Invited to start technical work on draft sustainability reporting standards;
-EC: Business Taxation for the 21st Century;
International Developments
-Tool to enable institutional investors to accelerate the sustainable transition;
-BlackRock whacks boards on compensation;
-Article: How EU standards can help companies to focus on the right data?
-The Board Imperative Series: How can trusted AI unlock long term value?
European Developments
-3-steps sustainability assessment for SMEs;
-EACB: Statement regarding the CSRD;
National Developments
-France: A new study to take stock of the progress made since the Loi Pacte;
-UK: Research on remuneration policy disclosures;
-Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Setting an EU standard;
-Sustainable Corporate Governance: a chat with MEP Heidi Hautala;
ecoDa’s News
Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 20.