Ympäristö- ja ilmastonmuutosasiat ovat vahvasti esillä ecoDan viikkokatsauksessa, minkä ohella tarjolla on tietoa muun muassa koronakriisin vaikutuksista hallitustyöhön, ecoDan webinaareista sekä Euroopan keskuspankin toiveesta osingonjaosta pidättäytymiseen.
In this issue, we highlight the following topics:
1. ECB may ask banks to withhold dividends for longer
2. Joint ESAs consultation paper on ESG disclosures
3. European Court of Auditors recommends that Commission review methods of monitoring EU climate-related expenditure
4. Volkswagen risks diesel claims across EU after top court ruling
5. The Wirecard case raises several concerns
6. Frank Bold’s position on the revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive
7. Summary report of ecoDa’s series of webinars on the impacts of Covid-19 on board members
8. The Maltese Institute of Directors organises a webinar on the centrality of Corporate Governance in the country’s economic system
9. ecoDa’s news
Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 28.