Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 45
European Institutions Developments
- Draghi to map out strategy in EU’s ”Whatever It Takes” Competition Pledge (Bloomberg)
International Developments
- GRI establishes Sustainability Innovation Lab in coordination with the IFRS Foundation
- Lifting financial performance by investing in women
European Developments
- EFRAG and CDP announce cooperation to drive market uptake of European Sustainability Reporting Standards
National Developments
- Australia: Australia to develop sustainable finance taxonomy, labels for ESG investment products
- France: To receive aid from France 2030, companies will have to publish a carbon footprint and refrain from relocating their activities
- Germany: NGOs release guidance note on Supply Chain Act for communities and rightsholders
- UK: FRC slashes UK Corporate governance Code revisions
- The Netherlands: AFM publishes position paper on improving the SFDR
- Executive Summary: Sustainable Reporting Conference 2023 (EuropeanIssuers)