Kestävän hallinnoinnin (Sustainable Corporate Governance) kehittäminen jatkuu EU-tasolla. EFRAG esittää muutoksia hallintoon, rahoitukseen ja muiden kuin taloudellisten tietojen raportoinnin standardeihin.
In this issue, we highlight the following topics:
1. EP: Update on the Sustainable Corporate Governance and on the Liability of companies for environmental damage files
2. EFRAG: Preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards
3. EFRAG: Changes to governance and financing
4. Essay: Sustainable Corporate Governance: The Role of the Law (ECGI)
5. Report: For a European Law of Compliance (Le Club des Juristes)
6. Report: Third TCFD Status Report shows progress
7. ECMI: Europe’s Capital Markets puzzle
8. Event: Policy Workshop on Sustainability Reporting – IFRS Consultation (ECGI and IEF)
9. Event: 2020 European Risk Management Awards Week (FERMA)
10. Summary Report: Corporate Governance for sustainable and competitive European companies (ecoDa, BusinessEurope and EuropeanIssuers)
11. ecoDa’s News
Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 47.