Ympäristöasiat, vastuullisuus, kuluttajien oikeudet, tasa-arvo ja kestävä hallinnointi ovat pääosissa ecoDan uutiskirjeessä.
In this issue, we highlight the following topics:
1. EC: Consultation on criteria defining environmentally sustainable activities
2. EC: FISMA commissioned a study on the Audit Directive and Regulation
3. EP: EU consumers will soon be able to defend their rights collectively
4. Implications of the Wirecard case
5. UK: Covid-19 strenghtens the need for audit improvement, FRC urges
6. UK: Reporting on the new Corporate Governance Code is a mixed picture
7. Switzerland: Upcoming Referendum on corporate sustainability
8. Germany: ‘historic’ mandatory boardroom quota for women
9. France: Danone: Purpose driven companies cannot let aside shareholders’ interests
10. France: A new initiative to promote gender diversity in boardrooms
11. The IIRS and the SASB merge into the Value Reporting Foundation
12. ecoDa’s News
Click here for the ecoDa EU Alert – Week 48.