EcoDa, PwC ja World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) järjestävät 7. toukokuuta 2019 yhteisen konferenssin Brysselissä. Konferenssissa keskustellaan kestävästä kehityksestä ja taloudesta.

Date: 7 May 2019, 13:00 – 17:50
Topic: Looking beyond financial performance
Venue: L42, rue de la Loi 42, 1040 Brussels
Global challenges like social inequality and environmental sustainability have spurred a deep reflection across the international community on how to rebuild trust in the economy. Policy-makers and business community agree on the need to re-align societal and corporate interests, thus ensuring the sharing of the costs and the benefits of the transition to a sustainable economic paradigm.
The conference will start with a welcoming speech by Jan Wesseldijk, ecoDa’s chair and will be moderated by Maija Laurila, DG Justice, European Commission, on THE NOTION OF GLOBAL PERFORMANCE during the first roundtable discussion and by Yannick Jadot, European Parliament (tbc) on TOMORROW’S SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ACTS TODAY during the second roundtable discussion.
Our confirmed speakers are:
Félix Torres, L’Institut de l’Entreprise
Jean-Christophe Georghiou, the Assurance Policy leader for PwC in Europe
Mario Abela, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD),
Karina Litvack, Non-Executive Director, Eni S.p.A.,
Philippe Joubert, Founder, Earth on Board / Former Deputy Managing Director of Société Générale
Anna Daroy, Interim Director General, the British Institute of Directors
Nadia Theuma, Executive Director Paragon Europe and IoD member Malta
Draft programme: here
Registration: here