ecoDa yhdessä CGLyticsin kanssa järjestää 6. marraskuuta webinaarin How can innovations in information technologies support the role of the board of directors?
Webinaari järjestetään 6.11.2019 kello 15–16 Suomen aikaa (14–15 CET). Lisätietoja ja linkki ilmoittautumiseen:
Companies have to monitor their environment according to defined objectives and integrate the collected data into real strategic and operational information. Business intelligence is there to support not only the management but also board members in making better decisions. In a more demanding environment, board members have to understand the drivers of value creation and develop the right metrics to articulate value. Actionable and real-time insights are therefore becoming even more critical for board members. How far should we go in terms of sophisticated algorithms in order to complement the usual dashboards? What type of data processing tools boards need while avoiding a big data overload? How can a board leverage data and AI for effective oversight and to make better governance decisions?
Our speakers will provide their input to the debate:
- Aniel Mahabier, CEO at CGLytics;
- Deepak Krishnamurthy, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer at SAP;
- Michael Hilb, Entrepreneur, Board Member and Professor;
- Rytis Ambrazevičius, Baltic Institute of Corporate Governance, President;
The webinar will be moderated by Suzanne Liljegren, ecoDa Communication Adviser.